01271 323432
01275 405880
01752 267577
Description of the works
The works comprised the design, construction and completion of 15nr general needs houses (4nr shared ownership and 11nr rented) together with all associated external works; roads, footpaths, parking areas, drainage, general external works, services and landscaping.
The development was tendered and procured under a JCT Design and Build Contract. Gates working together with both the Client and Contractor oversaw the delivery of a successful project despite difficulties due to restraints of the site topography, the location of existing electrical services and no gas service being available in the area.
Despite no gas being available, the scheme was carefully designed and specified to ensure that all units were accredited with an EcoHomes rating of ‘Very Good’. This meant the houses had to be constructed in a timber frame panelled system which was highly insulated and sustainable technology such as solar panels was included.
Gates Services:
Employer’s Agent and CDM Co-ordinator
RGP Architects
Principal Contractor:
Gadd Construction Ltd
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