01271 323432
01275 405880
01752 267577
Description of the works
Colwill Lodge is a Care Home for Adults with learning difficulties. The function of Colwill is to provide respite care and short stay placements for those in need. An extension was required of four self contained flats with a view to encourage self sufficiency and a degree of independence, plus one further unit which could be used by a carer or as emergency accommodation.
The flats were needed to provide spacious accommodation suited to the physical restrictions of the residents whilst avoiding the perception of an institution. This approach meant that the building was physically linked though visually separate from the existing Colwill Lodge. The intent was that this should be a place where people could live and call home, not just be housed. Residents can makes best use of the garden with access to the terrace and veranda.
Gates Provided a project management lead team of consultants who worked closely with Plymouth City Council’s Adult Social Care Service following work locally on several Extra Care projects.
Gates Services:
Project Manager
Cost Consultant
CDM Co-ordinator
Mitchell Architects
Principal Contractor:
TEC Construction
Services Design Solution
Airey & Coles
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