Compton C of E Primary School, Plymouth

Description of the works

Compton was an oversubscribed school and had committed to an additional form entry in the following September.  The existing school had three wooden temporary classrooms and a nursery building (used by independent provider) all of which were in poor condition and beyond economic repair.

Plymouth City Council’s original solutions was to provide two modular classrooms, a four classroom extension and re-build the nursery on the edge of the playing fields.  The Project Team believed that they could offer a better solution within the same budget by providing a seven classroom extension and integrating  the nursery adjacent to the foundation classrooms by refurbishing an existing classroom for that purpose.

The council accepted the proposal and the scheme proceeded with the project team arranging the enabling works and hire of temporary classrooms to accommodate the pupils decanted from the wooden classrooms and the additional intake while the main construction took place.

Gates Services:

Project Manager

Cost Consultant

CDM Co-ordinator


Mitchell Architects

Principal Contractor:

Interserve Project Services


Services Design Solution


Jenkins & Potter