01271 323432
01275 405880
01752 267577
The DLU Roundswell comprised the alteration, refurbishment, improvement and extension to an existing meat processing factory building to form a new re-cycling centre and service operating base, together with motor servicing facilities, oxygen storage compound and weighbridge installation.
The works also comprised the extensive refurbishment of the existing building to form new office accommodation for North Devon Council, together with all associated external works and drainage.
It was a requirement of the Contract that access for vehicles to the adjacent farm complex were maintained at all times.
In addition to the on-site works, there were also associated road improvements outside the boundary of the site, comprising junction improvements at Rockwell Cross. These works were required to be commenced prior to any works starting on-site, which imposed strict traffic controls in terms of the volume and size of plant and deliveries to the site.
Gates Services:
Project Manager
Quantity Surveyor
Reed Holland Associates Ltd
Principal Contractor:
SWH Build
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