01271 323432
01275 405880
01752 267577
Description of the works
The works to Plymouth’s Grade II listed Museum and Art Gallery were split 50/50 between building works (including repairs to the fabric and services) and the provision of new bespoke displays and cabinets including a circular glass case for an Egyptian Mummy and a wide range of interactive displays and exhibits.
The museum remained open throughout the works and a high degree of co-ordination was required between Client, the Design Team and the Contractor. The refurbishment works included three museum gallery spaces and two of the art gallery rooms plus works to the circulation and main entrance which included the replacement of the roof lights (pictured below). In addition a new retail space was formed which included a franchised (but run by the museum) café.
The project drew funding by six different organisations including the Heritage Lottery Fund and required very close control of the scheme costs.
Gates Services:
Cost Consultants
CDM Co-ordinator
Plymouth City Council
Principal Contractor:
Devon Contractors
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