01271 323432
01275 405880
01752 267577
Gates Partnership provided full Employer’s Agent services for Sarsen Housing Association to deliver 32 “Extra Care” sheltered elderly persons units in a single 4 and 5 storey block, together with associated external works, services and drainage.
The prime objective of the sheltered housing was to promote independent living for older people. The design of the accommodation and selection of equipment was geared to maximise the independence of people who have mobility problems, are physically frail, have a visual or hearing impairment or have dementia. Furthermore, the scheme was designed to allow for adaptability to meet tenants’ current and future needs.
The basic design principles for St. Barnabas incorporate a balance between three prime requirements; progressive privacy, integration of housing and resources and design clarity.
Gates Services:
Employer’s Agents & Planning Supervisor Services
Steen Mitchell Ltd
Principal Contractor:
Kier Western
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